Thank you for your service to our country.
St. 云州 University welcomes you 和 thanks you for your service to our country. We greatly value the qualities of maturity, 奉献, 持久性, responsibility 和 leadership you bring to our campus community. The 退伍军人 Resource Center is available to facilitate your move from a tight-knit military community to a campus support system.
Admission Process for 退伍军人
Active duty military 和 veterans follow much of the same application process as non-military students -application, 成绩单, FAFSA, scholarships 和 registration. After you complete our military-connected student admission checklist on this page, you will be set to start classes.
Your first step is to apply. Use the appropriate link corresponding to the degree you are seeking.
To apply by email, make a request by emailing
Request your official 成绩单 for previous college level coursework, including military training. 我们的 注册商 will evaluate it for transfer credit. To request your military transcript (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard) visit Joint Services 成绩单.
Even if your education will be funded by education benefits from military service, we advise exploring additional financial aid through FAFSA.
If you are a military-connected student you may be eligible for multiple military education benefits including 退伍军人权利法》®, 明尼苏达退伍军人法案®, Federal Tuition Assistance 和 State Tuition Reimbursement.
The MDVA Central Region Coordinator is available to help you underst和 your benefits. Certificates of Eligibility may be submitted to SCSU's certifying official.
在哈士奇咨询公司 & Registration, you will:
Note: After you have completed registration, complete the SCSU 退伍军人 Enrollment Application. If at any time you add or drop any courses after completing this online certification, contact 我们的办公室 to inform us of added or dropped courses.
St. 云州 has gracious donors who help us give out multiple scholarships for military-connected students as well as hundreds of other non-military scholarships.
Seek assistance with academic planning 和 underst和ing degree requirements or connect with your Student Success Advisor.
建议 & 学生的转变All Huskies experience campus 和 the classroom the same. Connect with accommodations, review service animal guidelines or apply for services.
Student Accessibility Services帽提供 confidential mental health services that promote personal development, psychological well-being 和 academic success.
Counseling 和 Psychological Services (CAPS)
退伍军人权利法》® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of 退伍军人 Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站.